Sgt Willie D's Nutts Reporting 4 Booty I mean Duty Sir!

Sgt Willie D's Nutts Reporting 4 Booty I mean Duty Sir!
Deez Nutts Click the Pic XVIDEO vids

Wednesday, December 6, 2017



 the voluptuous big booty vixen Sapphire. This New York sex bomb has one of the biggest and best asses you will ever see. And does she ever like to show it off. You can see more of her on Black

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Download Free Shemale Wallpapers 2017🎨💻

Check Out and Download My Shemale Wallpapers (69 Photos)

Feel Free to use these as your desktop background art some of my pics or R rated and others are XXX.   All photos were edited by me "Sgt. Willie" expect 4 untagged photos.  Click here or the pic below to download the zip file Download



Saturday, November 18, 2017


Nov 17,2017

"If your not hard after watching this then you need to just beat it! Music By Lexi Banks"👉

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Good News: She's Free Now Veronica Bolina from Brasil Transsexual who was tortured in a police station in São Paulo (SP) is approaching militancy and wants to return to studies

The day we have awaited for the Beautiful Veronica Bolina is now a free woman read the article from .brasildefato below

Transsexual who was tortured in a police station in São Paulo (SP) is approaching militancy and wants to return to studies

Karina Ramos
Report: Rute Pina
Verônica Bolina, 27, is excited to participate for the first time in the Black Women's March this year in São Paulo (SP). "I am honored to represent my class, trans and black women," she said excitedly.
Her half-naked photo, with a disfigured body and face, is the image she now wants to move away from - although one or another stain on her body reminds her of what happened. "I'm starting over, rebuilding my life."
The approach to militancy made her recognize her blackness. "I've never seen myself in this stigma, of how society classifies us: 'It's black, it's poor, it's trans, that's it.' I never saw myself as anything like that ... But I am. nor given ear to the prejudices of people, "he reflected.
Since leaving the penitentiary in May, Veronica has frequented and made contact with several activists. "I was very happy to participate and to show another side, to erase that stain of my history," he said. Among her main references, she cites Beyoncé, Martin Luther King, women who have lost children because of PM and Prison Pastoral agents."  

After three months in a solitary and nine months in a cell reserved for the population of transvestites and homosexuals of the CDP of Pinheiros, western zone of the capital of São Paulo, and another seven months in the psychiatric ward of the Prison of Taubaté (SP), a judge granted habeas corpus for Veronica on May 3 of this year.
In the release permit, Judge Roberto Zanichelli Cintra has ordered that she follow outpatient treatment for at least three years. She must still respond to a personal injury lawsuit against the penitentiary. As for her attackers, she says she does not think of revenge. "They did that to me because they were in a moment of hatred, of anger."
Still, she prepares to file a lawsuit against the state. "I paid for what I did and I want the state, which was responsible for protecting me, to be aware of what happened to me and that this can not happen. We do not live in the law 'an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,'" he said.
Veronica says that she is still afraid of suffering retaliation or aggression on the street, but she walks with her head held high. 
Next year, she plans to go back to high school. She has the dream of attending Physical Education or nutrition at university. In 2018, he prepares to participate in the Transcity Program of the city of São Paulo and work in a nongovernmental organization: "I am very, very happy."

Edition: Juliana Gonçalves

They (brasildefato) misgendered  Ms. Veronica Bolina by calling her "he" a good number of times in their article they need to be sued. I felt it was done on purpose
Read full article here 👇🏼

Monday, October 23, 2017



I made this video to let the haters of sexy trans women know they can't stop the sexual revolution, It's the trans take over move over and and stay out the way trannies and the men that love them are here too stay, Shout out too THC, JAVON WALKERchicagotrannyreviews. and many others who upload good trans erotic content youtube and through out other social media platforms. Being ashamed of being with a trans women will soon be a thing of the past thanks to Y'all and the sexy trans women that love to show their goodies. "Sgt. Willie D's Nutts Reporting for booty I mean "duty!" "

Tuesday, September 19, 2017



"watch my latest vid of Hot chicks w sticks jerk and twerk dick dat dick"
Sgt Willie D's Nutts reporting for booty I mean "duty" Sir 🌶

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Androgyny and the Aquarian Age "Trans Is Future" 2017-4172

Androgyny and the Aquarian Age

Written by Lynn Hayes

I have always found it interesting that the worldly definition of “Uranian” according to Wikipedia is
Uranian is a nineteenth century term that referred to a person of a third sex — originally, someone with “a female psyche in a male body” who is sexually attracted to men, and later extended to cover homosexual gender variant females, and a number of other sexual types.
Delving a little deeper, I find that the origin of this association with the word Uranian with the “third sex” originated with a German scholar named Karl Heinrich Ulrich who was what we could today call transgender, meaning he identified as a woman Oscar Wilde in a man’s body.  The term Uranian was picked up by Victorian writers such as Oscar Wilde, who wrote: “”To have altered my life would have been to have admitted that Uranian love is ignoble. I hold it to be noble – more noble than other forms.”  (Ulrich’s chart shows Venus opposite Uranus, and Uranus squares the Moon in Wilde’s chart.)
As we transition into the  Aquarian age, it’s not surprising that gender roles are blurring and homosexuality is becoming more openly accepted.  Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the planet that inspires us to live a life that is authentically true to ourselves as possible.  Uranus governs radical behavior and rebellion against the status quo, and this includes greater acceptance of lifestyles that don’t fit into the rigid social norms that fall under Saturn’s domain.  With Pluto, lord of destruction and regeneration, traveling through Capricorn, Saturn’s sign, these rigid social structures (Capricorn) are being pummeled and demolished.
As an astrologer I use the term “Uranian” to describe any person or trait that reflects this desire to move past old ways of thinking and manifest an authenticity in one’s thoughts and behavior patterns and this goes far beyond gender issues.  But a strong Uranus in a birthchart does tend to indicate a person whose gender identification is less than rigid although this doesn’t always manifest as homosexuality.
Justin Vivian BondAndrogyny is nothing new in the rock world (David Bowie, Marilyn Manson), but a new singer has taken gender neutrality to a new level.  Justin Vivian Bond (Moon square Uranus) is not only trangendered, but uses the neutral pronoun of “v” to describe “vself” and says:  “I like my penis, and I am keeping it, but I am creating a transbody — a physical record on my body and a medical record that I am a transgendered person.”
Our local alternative paper reviewed a recent performance by Justin Vivian Bond, saying:
The gender-ambiguous voice is unrepentant, a queer mixture of the sexes, “monstrous.” Monster comes from the Latin monstrum, meaning an aberration within the natural order. In other words, the so-called monster defies categories. Not surprisingly, what we call monsters are often only reflections of our most profound terrors and desires. Less obviously, monsters reveal the fact that we each contain something of the other; elements of “you” lurk within “me.”
And with the hermaphroditic, we are reminded that even in our differences, we all possess male and female attributes. Writing about Michael Jackson’s violation of the rules governing racial and gender identity, James Baldwin offered that perhaps what is truly monstrous is not ambiguity but the fight against androgyny in an effort to reinforce conventional gender roles. What is terrible is a restrictive gender regime; a terrorist is someone who polices the borders of gender.
This is just the beginning, and the more radical societal changes become the stronger the backlash of conservatives who fear this kind of extreme alteration to their world view.  This is part of what we will be seeing over the next four years as Uranus squares Pluto and takes us deeper into the Aquarian Age.
Written by Lynn Hayes.  Read more on her website:
For the next 2000 years we will be in the Aquarian AgeWe have been in the transition from the Piscean Age to the Aquarian Age for the last 50 years. The official beginning of the Aquarian Age is November 11, 2011 or 11/11/11. Some people have set this date as December 21, 2012.

Friday, August 18, 2017


TRANNY EYE 4 THE STRAIGHT GUY (THE MOVIE) - Tranny Eye 4 The Straight Guy (The Movie)  👀👓MARRY A TRANS WOMAN

Thursday, ‎August ‎17, ‎2017

New Video! "shemale sexy subliminal messages hiding in plain sight, The freaks cum out at night and day to play with "deeznutts". Don't be afraid to explore your sexuality Watch and enjoy" Don't Run from the fun

Tuesday, July 4, 2017


Ts Lena (Promo)😍🔥‎May ‎5, ‎2017

"This video was deleted from youtube you can only view it on my blog or pornhub"

Sunday, May 14, 2017

LGBTQIA CHAKRA Levels of Sex Does God Create Different Genders?

     "Proving that science and religion supports transgenders and everything in between the male and female binary."

There are many fish in the "see" many colors in a rainbow as well sexes and genders. Male and Female are like black and white but there are many colors in between 7 different frequencies of light love and sex. Just like intersex people are born in between male and female not everybody fits into the gender binary code. Nature gives us animals of the sea, land, air but there are Amphibians meaning, what is amphibian: an animal, such as a frog, that lives both on land and in water.

The Picture of above I made to show the different sex levels of man.
I Took it from a picture of a chakra system and added LGBT rainbow colors and letters. "In Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism, a chakra (Sanskrit: Cakra, Pali : Cakka) is thought to be an energy point or node in the subtle bodyChakras are believed to be part of the subtle body, not the physical body, and as such, are the meeting points of the subtle (non-physical) energy channels called Nadi."  

Each Chakra "Wheel" is represented by a color of the rainbow 'taste the rainbow"
THE 7 colors of the rainbow 7 types of man 7 levels of consciousness

SEX=6 there are six to seven colors in a rainbow 6 is the number of man
Next time a person makes you feel bad for dating transgenders while using religion ask them these hard questions.

2.What was the punishment for lesbianism in the Old Testament?
5. If you marry a intersex person would that make you straight or gay?

Add there is a intersex  genetic condition (klinefelter syndromeKlinefelter syndrome (KS) also known as 47,XXY or XXY, is the set of symptoms that result from two or more X chromosomes in males."  people are considered 80% female and 20% male it seems alot of trans have intersex which Turners, or Jacobs syndrome effects the hormones and the brain, scientist have done a number of studies that show transgenders brain function just like the gender they identify with. Which is more proof that Gender is in the mind not so much in the genitals 



So with all the biblical and scientific proof you still have people who will still be in denial even tho science, religion and logic shows that there are many races, colors, animals, plants, genders, sexes ect. And the Creator loves all his creations no matter how "queerly" they seem.

    Before there was male or female light or dark up or down there was One, in perfect harmony

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Brian Pumper Explains Knowledge Of Shemales

 djvlad  interviews Famed adult actor Brian Pumper, and Explains why it's important to knowledge of shemales  
Pumper also discusses the truth to most male adult actors being bisexual, and being able to detect transsexuals in order to help his friends out.

Ass you can see Brian knows how to get ready 4 Trannies 2 Pump dat Rump
"U got to lick it before you stick it"

Smart asshole

Friday, February 24, 2017

It's Not A Penis It's A "She-nis"

Let me start off by saying "She-nis" is a term I made to describe post-op trans women's genitalia I know it might sound funny but it there is truth to it, and since truth
is funnier than fiction. Neuroscientists explain why straight men like trans women

"optical illusion"noun
  1. something that deceives the eye by appearing to be other than it is.
    • an experience of seeming to see something that does not exist or that is other than it appears.

When a heterosexual man sees the breast and penis aka "shenis" of a shemale while watching porn the 4 different sexual cues to trick the brain to form a "erotical illusion" 1.Breast 2.Butt 3.Thigh/Feet and you guess the 4th

                                                "I thought i taw a puddy tat?"

                   Examples of "Sexual Optical Illusions"

                                                  "i thought i saw a pussycat?"

Be aware that some people are born with the breasts, with the workings of a female but have a penis. Others are surgically made this way.

Another example is color take blue and red make the color purple purple

is not considered a color in the color spectrum. "purple isn't a color either. The next time you see a rainbow, look carefully, and you'll find that purple is missing. Rainbows have all colors of the spectrum: red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet. But rainbows never include the color purple, because purple is not a true color."

The top two stripes represent male (blue) to female (pink). The purple represents non-binary and genderqueer people (as the genderqueer flag colors are green, white and purple) the thin white stripe represents all people as well as the "line" trans* folks cross during their transition. Then the female (pink) to male (blue) along the bottom.

 The color purple is often associated with royalty, nobility, luxury, power, and ambition. Purple also represents meanings of wealth, extravagance, creativity, wisdom, dignity, grandeur, devotion, peace, pride, mystery, independence, and magic

"Purple is a mixture of colors, like white. If you mix blue light and red light, your eye will see purple, but in reality, it’s just a mix of blue and red. Why does the human eye see purple as if it was a real color, like green or yellow? To understand this, we need to take a voyage into the human eye."

At the back of the eye is an amazing tissue called the retina. The eye projects an image of the world onto the retina, where special cells receive the light and send signals to the brain. Our color vision comes from certain cells called cone cells. There are three types of cone cells. One reacts mostly to red light, another reacts mostly to green, and the third reacts mostly to blue. That’s why red, green and blue are the primary colors: The human eye can really see only these three colors. 
So how do we see the color orange? If the brain receives signals from lots of red cone cells and some green cone cells, we see orange, because orange is closer to red than green. The human eye can’t tell the difference between a beam of pure orange light and the right mixture of red and green. The difference is that true orange light would not be affected by a prism, but a prism would separate a mix of red and green.
Scientifically, purple is not a color because there is no beam of pure light that looks purple. There is no light wavelength that corresponds to purple. We see purple because the human eye can’t tell what’s really going on."
So Just like Color your eyes sees the trans gender female for what she is you see a woman that sticks out from the rest. The mixture of of male and female parts to make one big work of art. But even scientist agree that transgender people have brains more similar to their experienced gender. so how many men will stop wearing purple or white or gold because none of these are considered real colors? So why reject Transwomen?  "Red is just as much an interpretation as magenta (Purple)... yes ...but surely all color is an interpretation... or representation in consciousness. "To talk of "real color" as though the wavelengths were the color itself is naive realism at it's extreme, and is the sort of mistake in science that Goethe fought so strongly against in his Farbenlehre. So wavelengths are wavelengths, they are not color. Color is color, and if it is perceived to exist, it is real - because the only place color could ever exist is during perception."

A persons sex is biological but gender is based on perception and it can change A person's sex does not change from birth, but their gender can.
  But remember that white light is the exact same. It has no wavelength, so our brain invents a color for when all three eye cones are activated.

So next time keep in mind that reality is how you see it and the hot chick with stick doesn't have a penis she has a 
