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Friday, February 24, 2017

It's Not A Penis It's A "She-nis"

Let me start off by saying "She-nis" is a term I made to describe post-op trans women's genitalia I know it might sound funny but it there is truth to it, and since truth
is funnier than fiction. Neuroscientists explain why straight men like trans women

"optical illusion"noun
  1. something that deceives the eye by appearing to be other than it is.
    • an experience of seeming to see something that does not exist or that is other than it appears.

When a heterosexual man sees the breast and penis aka "shenis" of a shemale while watching porn the 4 different sexual cues to trick the brain to form a "erotical illusion" 1.Breast 2.Butt 3.Thigh/Feet and you guess the 4th

                                                "I thought i taw a puddy tat?"

                   Examples of "Sexual Optical Illusions"

                                                  "i thought i saw a pussycat?"

Be aware that some people are born with the breasts, with the workings of a female but have a penis. Others are surgically made this way.

Another example is color take blue and red make the color purple purple

is not considered a color in the color spectrum. "purple isn't a color either. The next time you see a rainbow, look carefully, and you'll find that purple is missing. Rainbows have all colors of the spectrum: red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet. But rainbows never include the color purple, because purple is not a true color."

The top two stripes represent male (blue) to female (pink). The purple represents non-binary and genderqueer people (as the genderqueer flag colors are green, white and purple) the thin white stripe represents all people as well as the "line" trans* folks cross during their transition. Then the female (pink) to male (blue) along the bottom.

 The color purple is often associated with royalty, nobility, luxury, power, and ambition. Purple also represents meanings of wealth, extravagance, creativity, wisdom, dignity, grandeur, devotion, peace, pride, mystery, independence, and magic

"Purple is a mixture of colors, like white. If you mix blue light and red light, your eye will see purple, but in reality, it’s just a mix of blue and red. Why does the human eye see purple as if it was a real color, like green or yellow? To understand this, we need to take a voyage into the human eye."

At the back of the eye is an amazing tissue called the retina. The eye projects an image of the world onto the retina, where special cells receive the light and send signals to the brain. Our color vision comes from certain cells called cone cells. There are three types of cone cells. One reacts mostly to red light, another reacts mostly to green, and the third reacts mostly to blue. That’s why red, green and blue are the primary colors: The human eye can really see only these three colors. 
So how do we see the color orange? If the brain receives signals from lots of red cone cells and some green cone cells, we see orange, because orange is closer to red than green. The human eye can’t tell the difference between a beam of pure orange light and the right mixture of red and green. The difference is that true orange light would not be affected by a prism, but a prism would separate a mix of red and green.
Scientifically, purple is not a color because there is no beam of pure light that looks purple. There is no light wavelength that corresponds to purple. We see purple because the human eye can’t tell what’s really going on."
So Just like Color your eyes sees the trans gender female for what she is you see a woman that sticks out from the rest. The mixture of of male and female parts to make one big work of art. But even scientist agree that transgender people have brains more similar to their experienced gender. so how many men will stop wearing purple or white or gold because none of these are considered real colors? So why reject Transwomen?  "Red is just as much an interpretation as magenta (Purple)... yes ...but surely all color is an interpretation... or representation in consciousness. "To talk of "real color" as though the wavelengths were the color itself is naive realism at it's extreme, and is the sort of mistake in science that Goethe fought so strongly against in his Farbenlehre. So wavelengths are wavelengths, they are not color. Color is color, and if it is perceived to exist, it is real - because the only place color could ever exist is during perception."

A persons sex is biological but gender is based on perception and it can change A person's sex does not change from birth, but their gender can.
  But remember that white light is the exact same. It has no wavelength, so our brain invents a color for when all three eye cones are activated.

So next time keep in mind that reality is how you see it and the hot chick with stick doesn't have a penis she has a 
